10th Anniversary Greetings from the IUS

We are pleased to send greetings from the Executive Secretariat of the International Union of Students, on the occasion of the 10th Anniversary of the foundation of fzs.

Fzs has been a steadfast member of the IUS and has consistently contributed, financially, internally, and through action on campaigns and issues.

Without fzs, the IUS would not have its web site. Nor would the IUS have been able to maintain effective contacts with European students‘ unions over these last ten years. Further, the contribution of fzs to Euro-Arab dialogue among students, to specific global solidarity camapigns, to raising awareness about creeping tuition fees for post-secondary education in Europe, and to exposing the agenda behind global trade in education services has been of genuine importance to furthering the goals of students worldwide.

Throughout the most difficult years in the history of the IUS and in spite of a period of retrenchment of international work in the European student movement, fzs has always contributed to internationalism and solidarity work among students.

We look forward to our ongoing work together to build a fighting, coordinated, and unified student movement worldwide.

Viva the 10th Anniversary of fzs! Viva student solidarity!

In Solidarity, For peace, freedom, equality, and access to education for all, The Executive Secretariat of the International Union of Students

Prague November 28, 2003