The National Union of Students in Germany (fzs) supports the Belarusian students movement in their fight for academic freedom and against fees. fzs is revolved by the repressions on student protesters in Belarus. Academic freedom is a cornerstone of a well-functioning higher education system. Students’ right to protest should be met with respect, not by violence, threats and suppression.
Education should be open to anyone regardless of income and personal wealth. To maintain education as universal right it must be free of fees. At the ministerial conference of the European Higher Education Area in Yerevan (May 2015), Belarus committed to incorporate academic freedom in their higher education system in order to become a member of the EHEA. Experiences from the last days prove that these commitments are not being upheld.
We call upon the Belarussian authorities to end the suppression of its students and its violations against academic freedom. We call upon the German ministries to step in for human and student rights in Belarus.