Študentska organizacija Slovenije (Slovene Student Union – SSU) is a full and recognized member of the European students community organized in ESIB – The National Unions of Students in Europe, and of other youth and student organizations across Europe.
The system of student organizing in Slovenia complies with the standards and good practice of independent and free student organizing in Europe. An active student organization, free of any political or other external pressure, is essential for a modern society, especially for its democratic empowerment.
All around Europe, students participate and contribute with their views, standpoints and proposals to the higher education policy on national and university levels. Further more, European student unions significantly contribute to the creation of the European Higher Education Area (Bologna process). Jeopardizing the independence of student unions would be of an unprecedented damage for the future of universities and higher education. Students are the essential partners in the higher education.
Therefore fzs finds the proposal of the Government of Republic of Slovenia to shorten the autonomy of student organizing politically motivated and harmful. We express our support to the efforts of Slovene students to contribute to the Slovene and European higher education through their autonomous student organization. The proposed legislative changes in the direction of undermining the financial autonomy of student organizations is a fatal step into making student unions dependent on politically controlled sources of funds. Such policy jeopardizes independent organized student movement with a critical reflection on the processes within the society and policies of the government.
Furthermore, fzs expresses its solidarity to Slovene Student Union in its endeavors for student housing, expansion of student grants, maintaining the tax exemption for student work and other forms of financial support for wide access and successful completion of the studies for people from all social groups.