Auf Antrag des fzs hat ESU, die europäische Studierendenvertretung, eine Resolution zur Unterstützung der Besetzung des Kupferbaus in Tübingen beschlossen. Hier die Resolution, verfasst mit Unterstützung der Besetzer*innen:
„On the evening of November 30th the lecture Hall “Kupferbau “ at the university of Tübingen, Germany – one oft he biggest universities of southern Germany – was occupied by students protesting underfunding and prestige projects conducted by the regional government and university leadership.
The occupation was initiated due to the current development concerning the „Cyber Valley“ . The „Cyber Valley“ is a project of the University of Tübingen, which aims to conduct joint research on artificial intelligence in collaboration with the regional administration, the Max Planck Institute and several private, profit-orientated companies such as Amazon and firms active in the development of military technology. The protesting students deem the „Cyber Valley“ to be a symptom of the global competition for the brightest minds to establish scientific hegemony. The influx of an academic elite adds further pressure on the overall living and housing costs in the entire region. While ESU as well as the student activists in Tübingen do not object research on artificial intelligence in general, they demand a prohibition of military and surveillance research and the transparency of all contracts concerning the cooperation with private companies.
ESU opposes the global trend of commodification of research and education, which are and should be a public good. Instead, ESU supports the students in Tübingen and all over Germany who demand sufficient public funding for education and research in the interest of society. We support the demand for an emancipatory and democratic academic environment. We support the demand for universal accessibility to higher education. This includes affordable housing and free student loans. ESU encourages all students in Tübingen and in other HEIs in the region to join the protest and show their solidarity.“